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    Employees Putting the “Team” in Teamwork!

    Ambling stresses teamwork among our employees. It is part of what makes Ambling a great company to work for. This teamwork was exemplified earlier in March when a dozen team members adjusted their busy schedules to travel to Jackson, Mississippi, and help get some properties in order. Sherry Riddle and Nan Morris-Toth made their way to Windsor Park to work with this team.  Big thanks to Sherry and Nan for dropping their normal duties and being such great team players.


    On the other side of Jackson, Little Anthony Williams, Tammy Morgan, Eric Brown, Derrick Miller, Maintenance Supervisor Phil Thompson, and Maintenance Technician Robert “Bob” Vandiver were working hard at Summer Park. Also having to alter their regular schedules, this team stayed two and a half weeks getting Summer Park in top shape. Many thanks to these five employees for always smiling and willing to help where needed.  A special shout-out to Ashley Tucker for always pitching in!  We are grateful to all these team members!


    Others Putting the “Team” in Teamwork

    Cathy Bloodworth
    Shapil Brown
    Jim Burnett
    Dale Bushika
    Tammy Bushika
    Anthony Campbell
    Darryl Chumney
    Leroy Coley
    Lane Colquitt
    Howard Combs
    Ben Crawford
    Rebecca Darner
    Amber Denmark
    Carolyn Dunlap
    Pamala Dunn
    Bernard Ellison
    Chris Elser
    Norman Evans
    Franike Ewton
    Emily Farmer
    Kevin Ferris
    Larry Gaines
    Jamie Gallahue
    Christopher Gilmore
    Greta Glenn
    Curtis Golden
    Mark Holder
    Zach Howell
    Teresa Williams Hunter
    Debbie Johnson
    Claude Killingsworth
    Ethel King
    Jessi Lane
    Danley McLendon
    Buddy Murray
    Jimmie Nesbit
    Brian Olds
    Norris Otey
    Rod Risner
    Richard Smith
    John Thomas
    Jemal Waldon
    Clay Welch
    Bridgette White
    Boyce Williams

    These employees showed first-hand the Ambling teamwork philosophy. Thank you to all involved!

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